Ancient Stone Wall Consultation and Restoration Services Available-

Need a hand with those tumbling ‘old’ walls you have crisscrossing your property? Curious about what they’re all about? I will gladly introduce you to some of my observations and techniques I’ve made concerning these important stone monuments from the past. Both by sharing new ways to read and map the walls as well as hands on techniques to help reverse the entropy of time.


Wood Working - Furniture Making- Live EDGE -Bent Branch- Slab-Sided- Wabi Sabi FUN-

Small Shelters- Roadside attractions- Town Mascot Making and general Intuitive Pronoiac building solutions to your own best case scenarios !!!.


SEE-TRU Envisioning Services-

Illustrates/ Charts/ Visually Captures Your Not quite fully formed grand IDEA. Souped UP IDEATION - Meets Rorschach - Meets- Active Imagination - meets Zapp Comix- Fast and visually to the POINT!


Sketch It - Then Fetch It. Draw IT In-Bring IT Out! Believe- Define/Divine and Receive! - “Now -Thought” is a sure shot!

bookings :

• Commission Matt to build you anything - from a chair to a sculpture, or roadside attraction, wood shed, playhouse, tree house, artist studio, or even your own off the grid cabin home

• talks include: The Stone Wall Story, / Off The Gird Living, / Repurposed Building, /

• Come visit a Tiny Chapel for Sophia- ,

3 reviews for b-home build

“Matt is your man for  rustic artist looking building projects.  You will think it grew right where it is. He is fun and accommodating to work with. Have a vision? Let Matt bring it to life.”

-Sarah Barker-Artist/Designer,, Catskill/ Athens NY________________________________________________________________________

“I’ve been a devoted admirer of Matt Bua’s work for years. Entering his creative world is always a fascinating experience, allowing me to see things through his unique artistic perspective.

When I moved from my old house, I brought along several stones from the property. Matt used those stones to rebuild a wall in my new home, preserving a piece of my past in a beautiful and meaningful way.

Whenever I have items I can’t part with or feel deserve a second life, I turn to Matt. He has a remarkable ability to transform what others might discard into stunning works of art. For instance, he created a centerpiece for my garden—a sculpture made from driftwood and metal scraps—that has become a true focal point of the space.

Matt is a genius at fixing the unfixable. I’ve entrusted him with items that seemed beyond repair, like my son’s childhood stool and plastic chairs that were destined for the trash. In his hands, these pieces became invaluable works of art.

What I appreciate most about Matt’s artistry is his ability to reinvent ordinary objects while retaining their practicality and functionality. His talent lies not only in creating beauty but also in breathing new life into everyday items in a way that is both inspiring and useful.”

———-Michele Saunders - Catskill NY_____________________________________________________________-

Janie’s rebuilt retaining wall

“Over the past 4 years I have had the pleasure of working with Matt Bua on several projects around my house.

1)The first was when he removed ugly cabinets and installed all new shelves in my kitchen. I had seen many of Matt's buildings and installations before so I asked him for Matt Bua style shelves. I love how they look, they are sturdy and just what I was looking for. The bonus is the wood is all re-purposed.

2)The next time Matt came over my yard was flooded. After the water subsided I was having trouble locating my septic tank. He did that and  moved a pile of rocks from one side of the yard and added them to the stone wall on the other side. He strengthened the wall and made it more attractive by the placement of the rocks. Some really big rocks too !

3) I share the mailbox stand with my neighbors across the street. There are 2 mailboxes on 1 stand. My house is situated on the road so that you cannot see the address from both directions . I asked Matt to build a Matt Bua style frame around my mailbox with the address numbers attached to that. People can now see my address coming from both directions.

4) The latest was when a tree came down on some rocks in a stone retaining wall in front of my house. I called Matt. He came and restacked the part of the wall that needed repair and made it nicer than before. Any interesting rocks he found he put facing out for our appreciation

Matt has always shown up when he said he would , on time and ready to work. He listened to what I needed and offered ideas. He was clear about what I wanted and how to accomplish the goals. I will be calling on him in the future.”

-Janie Greenwald- (Master Chair Caner/ Seat Weaver)- Athens NY


Talking Walls- Casting Out the Post Contact Stone Wall Building Myth of the Northeast- 2015 Publication Studio“ This work of fresh research by Catskill artist Matt Bua lies at the crossroads of archeology and regional history. Talking Walls scrutini…

Talking Walls- Casting Out the Post Contact Stone Wall Building Myth of the Northeast- 2015 Publication Studio

“ This work of fresh research by Catskill artist Matt Bua lies at the crossroads of archeology and regional history. Talking Walls scrutinizes the oft-repeated story of the origins of the Northeast's famed stone walls. Were 252,000 miles of stone walls—enough to reach the far side of the moon—in fact built by European colonists in a period of roughly 100 years, or are they perhaps much older? Employing a mountain of testimony from archaeological sources, popular history and hands-on investigation, Bua's imaginative book draws closer to a profound new reading of our shared landscape and its ancient past. Talking Walls includes a case study of a stone wall complex in Kiskatom, on the western edge of the town of Catskill.”

“I've skimmed the book, and it's got some really good information in it, both from his own area and from his extensive historic research into stone wall sites. Well worth the price!” Dr. Curtiss Hoffman author of Stone Prayers: Native American Stone Contructions of the Eastern Seaboard

get it here. Book also Available at Inquiring Minds in Saugerties, the Golden Notebook in Woodstock, Citiot in Catskill, and at the Cairo, Catskill, Palenville and Hudson area Libraries.

Read Huffington Post Book Review Here

more info about Hopeskillian Culture

Architectural Inventions- Visionary- Drawing- Building- With Max Goldfarb- 2012 Lawrence King Publishers 340 p.Highlighting visions that exist outside of established channels of production and conventions of design, Architectural Inventions showcase…

Architectural Inventions- Visionary- Drawing- Building- With Max Goldfarb- 2012 Lawrence King Publishers 340 p.

Highlighting visions that exist outside of established channels of production and conventions of design, Architectural Inventions showcases a a wide scope in concept and vision, fantasy and innovation.

Find it here

Tales from the Sustainable Underground by Stephen Hren includes a nice chapter on b-homeNew Society PublishersActivists striving for any type of social change often find themselves operating on the fringes of legal and social norms. Many experience …

Tales from the Sustainable Underground by Stephen Hren includes a nice chapter on b-home

New Society Publishers

Activists striving for any type of social change often find themselves operating on the fringes of legal and social norms. Many experience difficulties when their innovative ideas run afoul of antiquated laws and regulations that favor a big business energy- and material-intensive approach.Tales From the Sustainable Underground is packed with the stories of just some of these pioneers—who care more for the planet than the rules—whether they're engaged in natural building, permaculture, community development, or ecologically based art. Ride along and meet courageous and inspiring individuals such as:

Solar guru Ed Eaton

Radical urban permaculturists Scott Kellogg and Stacy Pettigrew

Artist, eco-architect, and intuitive builder Matt Bua

Well, Well, Welles Guide Book- PDF coming soon!

Washington Irving and the Great Manitou Transmission of 1818A magical transference occurred sometime in the early 1800’s where the sacred wisdom from the earth- successfully found a receptive mind who was able to both hear these whispered messages a…

Washington Irving and the Great Manitou Transmission of 1818

A magical transference occurred sometime in the early 1800’s where the sacred wisdom from the earth- successfully found a receptive mind who was able to both hear these whispered messages and then was also capable of transmitting her voice and concerns to a much wider audience. That willing and able body was Washington Irving .His capabilities included tuning into and believing in the sentient communication skills of non-other than Mother Earth herself. Rip Van Winkle has a Postscript which many people are unaware of. It is a prophetic fable warning us about what happens to those who ignore her wisdom and try and taint or steal her greatest resource to the human race: Water This tale conjured by Irving and added on to the end of arguably his most famous short story, deals with these powerful spiritual and fundamental life forces through the perspective of the Native American concept of Manitou. get it here!

Illustrated Fragments of a Faith Remembered- A Primer Gnostica-Profusely illustrated excerpts from Gnostic Books found in a jar in Egypt in the year 1945 - 238 pages 2020get it herel

Illustrated Fragments of a Faith Remembered- A Primer Gnostica-

Profusely illustrated excerpts from Gnostic Books found in a jar in Egypt in the year 1945 - 238 pages 2020


Order it here!

Bercowetz- Bua show at Rice Gallery Houston TX 2003 - download the pdf of show booklet here

Show guide with map from the 2009 show at Mass MoCA- Download it HERE

Index to Illustrated Fragments of a Faith Remembered- Matt Bua 2020

1. Photo of cover of Nag Hammadi Codex     1

Diagrams- p. 2-9

2. Gnostic Model of the Universe

4. Fall of Sophia into Matter-(Top)/ God is a man eater-Gospel of Phillip-(Bottom)

5. Matt Bua’s take on the Fall of Sophia and How She Had to plead for Help!

6. Fundamental  Syzygies- Freke/ Gandy

7. How the One and Only Emanated Sophia- and - Ecclesiasticus 11:16-17

10. John Lamb Lash (JLL) Quote

11. Meet Themis/ Lady Liberty- See also page 121

13. The World Renown Myth of the Pregnant Fallen Star Maiden-with JLL intel 

16-19 On the Origin of the World excerpt- “Eve gives Adam Life!”

20-22 A Hymn on the 3rd Messenger and the Archons. From Gnosis on the Silk Road

23. ‘Atea’ - Polynesian word meaning: “Light 1st sparking life in Darkness”

24. Meet Ahriman- The Sadistic Jerk —Versus Lucifer the Light Bringer

25. Book of Barach- Adam and Eve

28. A Little Cross Collection

29. Dilmun- Promise of Enki to Ninhursag- the Earth Mother

30. Epinoia- from the Secret Book of John

31. Human Super Power - (Apple)

33. “The Adversary Tries To Poison Us with the Food…” Authoritative Discourse

34-60. Excerpts from the Gospel of Phillip

61. Gaian Overview- (if you  can really  even give that???)

62.Goddess Cotytto 

64.Top 10 Earth Goddesses from TIme Mag- October 2017 Issue

65. Creation of people on Earth- from Gospel of Judas.

66. Chellis Glendinning- The  World’s many traditions of the Golden Era

67. The Great Mother Speaks -Trimorphic Protennoia-(3 forms of the 1st thought)

69. Her-Story-His-Story-Now Our Story from the Crealitation books/musical

70. Hymn of the Savior- From the Secret Book of John…towards the end

73. Valentinian’s Sophia Overview- From Jane Lahr’s Mary Magdalen book

75. Gospel of John 1-5.

76. Joseph Campbell- Lao Tzu- “Do you want to improve the world? I don't think it can be done. The world is sacred. It can't be improved. If you tamper with it, you'll ruin it. If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it”.

77. C.G. Jung- Yah-Way= Ultimate Trickster? Ultimate Adversary?

78. John Michell- Killing the Dragon- Tapping the Earth Energy

79. How to Fight the Rulers? From The Letter of Peter to Phillip

80. The Light Overcomes the Darkness- The conclusion to “On The Origin”

81. The LOGOS

82. The Goddess and the Dying God Man- Freke and Gandy

83. The Life Giving Sword- quote Yagyu Munerori

84. Axel Bishop hangs  with Miss Kitty in Cabin at b-home

85. Murmuration of the Starlings Hector NY 2017- Drummer Hector flipped right to this page!

86. Myths of the Yamana of Tierra Del Fuego- From Joseph Campbell book

87. Nature of the Rulers- Creation of Adam

88. National Geographic-Next Human?/One Strange Rock?/ 1st Pioneer?

93. On the Origin of the World- translated by Ingvild Saelid Gilhus

94. On the Origin of the World- the Beginning

95. On the Origin of the World– John Lamb Lash

96. The Pleroma “Discovered by ‘Science’” ? - Goat777 

97. Poimandres- “The 1st mind, being both male and female-life and light…”

98. Poimandres- “The Human Descends into the World of Nature”

99. Prince Caspian “If only we could wake the Spirits of the Trees and Well”

100. Zeitgeist Part 2 - Greatest Story Ever Told- Many Pre Christian Saviors

104.Thomas Paine Quote- A Parody of the Worship of the Sun

105.The Fall of Sophia- From the Secret Book of John

110.Earth Sun and Moon-Happy without the 7 planets?notes:Steven Davies

111.Secret Book of John- Destiny

112.Ignorant Rulers and the Perfect Ones-2nd treatise of the Great Seth

113.The Sophia of Solomon- Piper gave her a Miss Piggy nose

114.The Story of Sophia and Yaldabaoth from The Wisdom of Jesus Christ

115. Good Vibrations- Beach Boys-  Mike Love- Yahweh impersonation 

116-War-Bob Marley song- based on speech made by Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie 

117-Blank Space- Blank Slate- Tabula Rasa- Not a blank Stare

120-Thomas Cole “We’re still in the Garden of Eden” w/ added remark

121-Themis Redux

122-Rudolf Steiner quote from ‘The Influences of Lucifer and Ahriman’

123-Rodulf Steiner- The Mystery of Golgotha- Jesus’s mother is SOPHIA!

125-129 Secret Book of John/Yaldabaoth Deceived w/ Stevan Davies notes

130.The Infinite Tripartition of the Goddess after book ‘Daughter of Gaia’

131.Wisdom Quote from Upanishad 4 found in Tobias Churton’s book

132-135. Sophia sends Zoe to act as the “Mother of the Living”- 

136-143. Pelagian Creation Myth- From Robert Graves Greek Myths

144.Herstory/History/Ourstory- Crealitation redux

145.Phra Mae Thorani- Cult of the Buddhist Earth Mother- E. Guthrie

148.Piper’s question about ‘Rules to Buddhism’-answered by a Rinpoche

149.Pistis Sophia-5th book ch140– Meet the Mighty Ruler-Yachthanabas

150.The Scale of Light from GRS Mead’s ‘Fragments of a Faith Forgotten’

151.Pistis Sophia- “And the Disk of the Sun was a Great Dragon….”

153-162. Howl Part 2- Allen Ginsberg- With Intro

163-Rick Riordan- Blood of Olympus “The Earth Mother had Awakened”

165.Bob Dylan- When the Ship comes in- Excerpt

166 Bob Dylan-Ghengis Khan could not keep all his Kings supplied w/ sleep

167.Hopi Chakra Search

168.Yokut’s Beginning of the World-Penciled by Kaz at Prattsville Art Center

173.William Cullen Bryant: The Hills Rock-Ribbed and Ancient as the Sun

174.Knickerbocker’s History-Inanimate mass floating in vast ethereal ocean?

175.Knickerbocker’s History-Mohawk Myth: Pregnant Woman from Heaven

176.Knickerbocker’s History-Cosmogony: Boar-Tusk-Tortoise-Snake-Earth

177.Scarface- BlackFoot Trickster- The Sun and the Old Man are ONE.

178.Apple Research with my wife Cassidy Astrid Bua “Eat it to the core!


180- Tiny Intro To A Very Big Problem- The Archons

185- Pistis Sophia’s Terror Error!

190- Outing the Dude of Deuteronomy

195- Meet Gaia Sophia

200- Jung and the Creation of the 7 sermons to the Dead

205- Meet Again the 3 Beast of Revelation

210- A Brief Intro to KOTOTAMA

215- A Breif Intro to the World of Cosmic and Sacred Sound


220- The Tao Follows Only Itself


2002 Honda Ad- Look where the ROBOT’s hands are.

Only Love Is Real- Everything Else Is Illusion” Carol King and Every Wise person before her!  BTW: A.I. Love does not Count… Peace NOW

Back Cover

Photo of a page from Fragments of a Faith Remembered- 2020 Photo taken by Elaine Scull